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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Dec 30, 2022

There are some things I see women do a lot of: 

-Criticize themselves 

-Judge themselves 

-Belittle themselves 

-Minimize their accomplishments 

There are some things I want to see women do more of: 

-Praise themselves 

-Embrace their self-worth 

-Set healthy boundaries 

-Acknowledge their value  

We start a new year in...

Dec 23, 2022

Getting through a hard time and processing a hard time are two very different things. 

When we just get through things, that often includes stuffing our emotions, denying ourselves the right to feel, and ultimately creating even deeper trauma. 

Processing a difficult is exactly the opposite.  

It's giving yourself space...

Dec 16, 2022

This is the time of year when we experience so many emotions: 

  • Gratitude 
  • Joy 
  • Stress
  • Loneliness
  • Sadness
  • Love
  • Generosity
  • Scarcity 

Holidays, family, and social engagements can trigger all of these emotions at different times, especially when those we've lost come to mind. 

A powerful lesson I've learned as...

Dec 9, 2022

What if you had the time to do everything you wanted to do? 

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel relaxed and accomplished rather than rushed and overwhelmed? 

Imagine taking time for yourself to relax without telling yourself you “should” be doing something else. 

Maybe it’s not so much that you can’t get everything...

Dec 2, 2022

I remember when I was a kid, I couldn’t hang out with my friends until I cleaned my room.  I hated cleaning my room, so I’d fight with my mom, I’d get grounded, and I always thought it was her fault because she was so mean. 

Then I became a parent, and I had a mind-blowing moment when I realized the facts were if...