Apr 25, 2020
When life, cancer, finances, pandemics, isolation and all the other things feel so heavy and pointless that’s it’s hard to keep getting up or to even get dressed, you have to find a way to clear your mind and create space to let new ideas and perceptions in.
With our modern lifestyles of constant exposure to media and electronics, you may not even realize that your brain is shutting down from sheer overload. However, studies show that if you take the time to give your brain a rest, by taking in the simple beauty of nature, you’re able to think more clearly as a result of it.
As an additional benefit, when you’re out in nature, you’re generally not sitting. Being outside gets you up, walking, biking, swimming, just moving your body and that in itself will improve our mood and your health.
In this show you’ll hear what the science tells us about the importance of being in nature and how it supports having a healthier frame of mind even in the midst of the most difficult situations.
experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal
cortex activation
Creativity in the Wild: Improving Creative Reasoning through
Immersion in Natural Settings
Radical Remission