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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Apr 24, 2021

Too often we hear the scary things from other survivor’s experiences when it comes to breast cancer.

In this week’s show I share tips from other survivors on how to make your treatment and recovery EASIER!

These women shared tips on what they learned and what they think would help other survivors suffer less in...

Apr 16, 2021

When was the last time you took time to dream? When was the last time you even thought about creating time to dream? 

Our lives, visions, and dreams can get lost in the mechanics of life. 

And being on lockdown for over a year can certainly bury those dreams even deeper. 

In this show, we talk about reviving your...

Apr 9, 2021

When powerful emotions take us by surprise it can be the result of an actual devastating thing happening in life.

But often, it’s the result of what we’re telling ourselves.

Someone says something, we tell ourselves that’s a reflection on us and we end up in tears or angry.

Something happens that we tell ourselves...

Apr 2, 2021

There are some words we say to ourselves that have way more power than we give them credit for.

Should, for instance, packs a powerful punch of judgment and shame.

But maybe even worse.

When you “should” on yourself, you move right past what you’re feeling, or the thoughts that are stopping you from doing...