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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Feb 25, 2022

What would you think if I asked you to tell me something every day for a month that you loved about yourself?  

Well, I asked my members to do just that. In this week's podcast, I want to share some of the things they had to say about learning to love themselves unconditionally. 

 I have to say that people were a little...

Feb 18, 2022

When I look back over the past 10 years I’m amazed at how much my perspective of cancer has changed. 

I thought I had it beat because I was always down for the fight. 

But the most important thing I’ve learned is that the best way to get back to life is to let shit go. 

It took many years for me to figure out that...

Feb 11, 2022

If you lost your hair during chemo and had to endure the weird regrowth stages, watched it grow back looking like someone else’s hair, or watched it thin due to menopause and hormone treatments then you know…it’s not just hair. 

But you may have heard that comment from others along the way. 

Hair and our identity...

Feb 4, 2022

When your closet is full, it’s a challenge to find anything and overwhelming to think about clearing it out. 

When your mind is full with an idea or belief it’s hard to see any other way to be or any other path that can be taken. 

That’s a painful place to be and a place we often put ourselves in when we believe...