Dec 11, 2019
Inflammation is not only the root of cancer, but it’s thought to be the root of all chronic disease, including heart disease, diabetes and much more.
As a survivor, you can probably sense the inflammation that cancer treatment has created in your body that may have resulted in joint pain, digestive issues, and other common long-term side effects,
The good news is you don’t have to spend tons of money on special water filters or other gimmicky cures to relieve inflammation in your body.
There are simple, lifestyle adjustments that you can make to reduce inflammation, support your healing and reduce pain and chronic disease risk.
In this show we’ll touch on five things you can do, and we’ll take a deep dive into 3 easy to find, inexpensive botanicals that have a significant amount of promising science to support their powerful anti-inflammatory and disease reducing effects.
Integrative Oncology: A Healthier Way to Fight Cancer
Berberine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systemic
Review and Meta-Analysis
What Is Boswellia?
Permanente Boswellia uses
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center About Herbs App
Memorial Sloan Kettering About Herbs website
Effect of bromelain on kaolin-induced inflammation in rats.
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