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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Aug 25, 2019

In this show we'll celebrate National Happiness Happens month with a little insight and a quick tip on choosing and creating happiness in your life regardless of the circumstances around you. 

Then we'll dig in to some cool information on the medicinal power of some common kitchen spices.

Over the decades, we've sadly...

Aug 12, 2019

Regardless of what you're facing in life, the way you show up has a huge influence on how you feel, how you move forward, and how you experience the moments of your life.

It's easy to fall into the trap of using words and thinking in ways that don't support the life you want to be leading.

In fact, the power of your...

Aug 4, 2019

You know that social support is important as you go through breast cancer treatment.

In fact, when treatment ends and that support begins to wane, you can find yourself feeling lonely, abandoned and even depressed.

Often it’s hard to find your bearings after breast cancer treatment when you realize that life isn’t...