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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Mar 31, 2023

After breast cancer treatment, it can be difficult to begin or resume a healthy lifestyle, especially when physical and emotional energy is low or the body is in pain. 

Breast cancer treatment, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, can take a toll on the body, leaving you feeling exhausted and depleted. This...

Mar 24, 2023

If there’s one thing I learned from breast cancer, it’s that there’s no time to waste on bad books, terrible movies, unfulfilling work, or negative people in this precious short life. 

But there are also too many wonderful experiences, skills to learn, places to see, and amazing people to spend time with to let...

Mar 17, 2023

Life is not always an easy journey and when cancer is a part of it can be tough to find the balance between fighting, and surrendering. 

As I navigate living with metastatic disease and focus on doing “all the right things” I’ve found that the fight subtly sneaks in and inevitably leads me to the one...

Mar 10, 2023

Have you felt afraid to evolve and change your life because of the fear of what others may think or the potential discomfort that comes with self-exploration? 

Our brains are wired to protect us, so when we encounter something that seems dangerous or unfamiliar, we may feel a sense of resistance.  

But, by not...

Mar 3, 2023

In this episode, we’ll discuss the importance of shifting your mentality around food from diet or a way to manage weight to understanding that food can act as a metabolic therapy. 

While many breast cancer survivors focus on losing weight as a way to reduce their risk of cancer recurrence, research shows that food...