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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Jun 27, 2020

If you’ve ever felt out of control when it comes to food, this is an episode that you don’t want to miss. 

Have you ever considered that the food itself and the way you’ve conditioned yourself to eat are a bigger problem than your will power? 

In this episode I’ll tell you all about hyper palatable foods....

Jun 19, 2020

If you’ve ever thought you wanted to change and yet you couldn’t find the motivation to create that change or if you’ve had to change but you find yourself refusing to accept that change, you might be surprised to find that the main block is in your own mind.  

Your brain loves it when things stay the same and...

Jun 13, 2020

Let’s face it, the hard part about making a decision is living with the consequences of the decision, and you really don’t know what those consequences might be…unless you have a reliable crystal ball. 

But on the flip side of that is that fact that making a decision empowers you. It puts you in control of the...

Jun 5, 2020

We live in a world bombarded with sexual images and we tell ourselves stories about sexual expectations ALL THE TIME!

So when you go through an experience like breast cancer, and it forces you into menopause, changing everything from how your breasts look to how your hormones function it can really throw you for a...