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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Aug 28, 2020

Breast cancer is a devastating diagnosis and it can have a huge impact on your thoughts, actions, and the people around you.  

But it isn’t cancer that results in the tough stuff in your life, it's the thoughts and actions of the people around that create the situation your living in. 

In this week’s show, we’ll...

Aug 21, 2020

Processing emotions is not an easy thing. But when it comes to recovering from trauma, it’s a necessary thing. 

In this week’s episode, I'll tell you about a simple, free, powerful tool to support you in your recovery. 

I’ll even share some studies that validate the importance of this practice when it comes...

Aug 14, 2020

This episode is a celebration of transformation. As I reflect on the ten most popular episodes of the first 100 recordings, I’ll share some special moments and some behind the scenes stories with you. 


The past three years of this podcast have brought on a lot of growth for me, and for the women who listen to this...

Aug 7, 2020

It’s no surprise that so many women find themselves feeling lost after breast cancer because no one gives us the tools to navigate recovering and surviving breast cancer. 


No one tells us how we’ll feel different emotionally and physically. So, we get stuck trying to figure out why we don’t feel...