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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Jul 29, 2022

Negative emotions are a fascinating thing. They feel awful, most of the time., and yet we often cling to them with all the energy we can muster. We feel justified in having them, we’re indignant about not having them, and we focus on telling other people about them.  

  • I’m angry and this is why. 
  • I feel anxious...

Jul 22, 2022

The greatest thing about achieving a goal is realizing who you had to become to get there.

This week as I celebrate releasing the 200th episode of the Breast Cancer Recovery Coach podcast, I reflect on how much I, my business, and this community have evolved.

In this episode, I’ll share the most important things...

Jul 15, 2022

I talk a big talk about self-care which is way more than a bubble bath and a facial. 

I also say everything is exactly as it should be and that when we can make peace with that, we create peace in ourselves. 

Those two things came together in a big way for me today as I focus on healing from covid and come to terms with...

Jul 8, 2022

I want to share a story with you, there was a woman who had to go to a big event. The event was going to be spectacular.  
Amazing food, great music, beautiful new outfits, and everyone she loved would be there but there was also this one person…the ONE person she could not stand! 

So, the woman dreaded the event....

Jul 1, 2022

In this episode you’ll hear from Health and Transformation Coach Karin Del Maestro.

Karin is also the organizer of the Reclaim Your Life After Breast Cancer Summit happening July 9-15 2022.

I invited Karin on to the show to share her insights on self-care and simple ways of reducing the toxic burden in your life.
