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Better Than Before Breast Cancer with The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Jun 25, 2021

In this Encore show, I’ll reintroduce you to episode #38 When Plants meet Fats. 

This show is a great support in helping you understand the value of increasing plant-based foods in your diet and how healthy fats can add to the deliciousness of plants while supporting your health. 

This is also a great opportunity...

Jun 19, 2021

How long will it take before you choose happiness?

Can you be happy if you’re achy, overweight, or fatigued?

Do you tell yourself things should be different by now?

What if you could take the time you need for your body to heal in its own time and for you to process the trauma of breast cancer and not attach a...

Jun 11, 2021

When you’re thrown into the role of a breast cancer patient in a world of foreign terminology and scary outcomes, it’s easy to feel like a victim.

Going through breast cancer treatment changes your life, but if you feel like you have no choice in the matter, recovering from treatment can be even more...

Jun 5, 2021

If there’s anything I loved about the pandemic lock downs, it was the forced simplicity of life.

There weren’t so many things to do, for many of us, so we didn’t overwhelm ourselves.

We didn’t spend so much time in traffic or we didn’t have to go to office or holiday parties that we dreaded to begin with.
